
Antibiotics resistance profiling for detection of microbial fecal pollution source in water

D.H.Tambekar, R.R.Jane, R.K.Sethi, P.S.Talokar, G.S.Rajerkar, S.D.Tambekar

In present study, a total of 260water samples fromAkola (140) andBuldhana district (120)were analyzed forwater quality and detection of thermotolerant coliform (E.coli) from salinity affected villages of Purna River basin of Vidarbha and 243 (95%)water sampleswere found contaminated byMTFT and 75 (29%) byMFT. The water fromAkola,Akot, and Shegaon taluka showed 33% pollution due to human faecal matter followed by 26% in Telhara and 20%each inNandura and Balapur taluka. Theminimumhuman faecal pollution in water was observed in the J.Jamod taluka. Maximum fecal E.coli was recorded in surface water sources indicating entrance of fecalmatter fromopen defecation or due to open drainage or sewage water from household. The deep ground water (hand pump and tube well) was not free from fecal contamination and it may be due to percolation of sewage and wastewater and construction of latrines near the tube wells. The public distribution system (Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran) water was not free from fecal contamination regardless of degree to which the water is treated. Thus from the above data it is concluded that out of 75 contaminated water samples, 75% contamination was non-human faecal origin whereas 25%human faecal origin.

免责声明: 此摘要通过人工智能工具翻译,尚未经过审核或验证


  • 中国社会科学院
  • 谷歌学术
  • 打开 J 门
  • 中国知网(CNKI)
  • 引用因子
  • 宇宙IF
  • 米亚尔
  • 秘密搜索引擎实验室
  • 欧洲酒吧
  • 巴塞罗那大学



期刊 h 指数
