Assessment of natural resource conservation in Boki local government, Cross river state, Nigeria
Takon J.Takon, Titus E.Amalu
The purpose of the study was to establish the extent of community participation in natural resources conservation in Boki local Government Area, Cross River State. Likert-scale questionnaire was structured and randomly administered on (5) five out of (ten) wards in Boki Local Government Area. The data collected was presented and analyzed with descriptive statistics using tables and simple percentages. The study revealed thatmembers of Boki community participate significantly in forest, land and water resourcesmanagement. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that a timely harmonization of local and scientific knowledge on communityÂ’s participation in environmental conservation should be carried out in setting a genuine agenda for sustainable resources conservation and protection. Participatory monitoring should be built into projects design when the process itself is open to the ideas and awareness of members of the community.