Based on colorimetric indicators and dye uptake study of pretreatment on wheat straw for dyeing
Bing Liu, Fan Wang, Xiao-Lei Cui, Jian-Ping Sun
Ultrasound-assisted conditions at low temperatures dipping, select the dyes, direct dyes, reactive dyes, basic dyes, on different pretreated wheat strawdyeing test, comparative analysis of according colorimetric indicator and dyeing rate, research effects of different pretreatment methods on wheat straw coloring, screening suitable type of dye and pretreatment processes, and for dyeingmechanismby SEManalysis. The results showed that: Reactive dyes are ideal dye for wheat straw under low temperature conditions. The best pretreatment process as straw is 1% NaOH, 500C, 45 KHz, 60min The studieswill development and utilization of strawresources to provide the necessary technical support, for the research and development of new composite materials and products of straw provide a theoretical basis.