Chemical Pollution of the Air around the Oil and Gas Refining Complex
U. Sarsembin, R. Juknys, M. Oshakbayev, R. Kazova, A. Dedele and G. Balcius
The article investigates the chemical pollution of the atmosphere around the oil and gas refining plant with polluting emissions. Integral assessment of air pollution was carried out on priority pollutants: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide. Atmosphere of controlled areas, where air sampling was performed refers to a low level of air pollution in terms of air pollution index (API) calculated on annual average concentrations of pollutants determined. According to the integral API level, high degree of air pollution falls on the industrial center of gas processing plant (GPP). In this controlled area API is 8.5. In cont rolled areas, where air sampling was carried out located on the territory and outside the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) GPP is estimated by the integral indicator as increased pollution. The integrated API score in th ese areas ranges from 5 to 8.5. Atmosphere in controlled areas located in the center of Zhanazhol oil fields and territories of SPZ, the integral API refers to a low level of contamination. The integral API le vel in these controlled areas varies from 1.4 to 5.