Fish voice spectrum analysis and research
Shen Weixing, Hu Qingsong, Li Chengxin, Shentu Jikang
Fisheries acoustic has become an important technique to estimate fishery resource and monitor biological system. The study of fish voice and its application have a profound meaning in managing fishery resource. The fish in different region have different voices feathers, and the fish under different condition are more sensible to different voice. The study about the audio under what kind of frequency attracts fish most has a great value. In this paper a program based on the Matlab software is proposed and the program intends to analyze time domain and frequency of different fish voice. By program, the paper analyzes the features of fish under different region and time domain which is presented by the data map output by Matlab. The statistics present the features and differences between different fish voice which is fundamental in the classifiable analysis and application of fish voice.