
Kinetic spectrophotometric determination of flavonoids using alkaline potassium permanganate

Shereen Mowaka, Dalia Mohamed

Two simple and sensitive kinetic methods were developed for the determination of diosmin and hesperidin in bulk and pharmaceutical preparations. The proposed methods are based on kinetic investigation of the oxidation reaction of the drugs with alkaline potassium permanganate at room temperature for a fixed time of 20 min and 15 min for the first and second methods, respectively. In the first method the absorbance of the green colored manganate ion produced by diosmin and hesperidin was measured at 610 nm. Alternatively in the second method, the decrease in the absorbance of permanganate ion after addition of diosmin was measured at 525 nm. Calibration graphs were linear over the concentration range 5.0- 25.0 and 1.0-20.0 ìg/mL for diosmin using the two methods, respectively and 1.10-2.77 ìg/mL for hesperidin, using the first method. The results obtained were compared statistically with those obtained by a reported method and showed no significant differences regarding accuracy and precision. In addition, the activation parameters such as Ea, H, S and G were also evaluated for the reaction and found to be 15.85 KJ mol-1, 40.79 KJmol-1, 25.59 JK-1mol-1 and -7.63 KJmol-1, respectively.


  • 中国社会科学院
  • 谷歌学术
  • 打开 J 门
  • 中国知网(CNKI)
  • 引用因子
  • 宇宙IF
  • 电子期刊图书馆
  • 研究期刊索引目录 (DRJI)
  • 秘密搜索引擎实验室



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