The Optical Illusion Of The Visual World
Maarten A. Bouman
First and second order correlation of receptor responses in twin pairs of distinct groups of receptors by pairs of successive time-quanta of about 0.04 seconds, constitute visionÂÂ’s luminosity channel. A response is due to one or more light quantum absorptions in a time-quantum. A group consists of 1 R or G cone and 0-100 rods. The retinal twin units contain the three gain controls of the system. Action potentials from the myocardium produce the time-quanta. The extra cellular fluid, blood, and glia cells conduct them to the sensory organs and the motor systems. The small involuntary eye tremor scans the retinal image of the environment in synchrony with the time-quanta. The limits of perceptual hyperfunctions for time and space correspond to the free space between adjacent groups and the rise time of the action potentials. Two or more light quantum absorptions in a time-quantum in a receptor elicit a color signal. The B cone produces a color signal already for any quantum absorption. These signals fill the perceptive products of the luminosity channel with color. In anomalous color vision, some twin units have different cones instead of equal ones.