The planet heating and the gravity as simple and related kinetic effects of the dark matter
C.I. Costescu
In the current view the Gravity is a non-mechanism intrinsic attraction property for anybody of matter, lasting for an infinite time without energy loss in spite of actions, which is physically impossible and hence, a mechanism-type approach for the external cause of gravity is absolutely necessary. Here we show as follows: • The crucial experiment on the Earth surface which is necessary for proving that the dark matter exists in universe as a field of finely dispersed matter moving in all directions and is penetrating through the body of planets with two major kinetic effects: For a single planet a considerable heating occurs by energy loss along any penetration line of dark matter, and hence a diminished flux of dark matter is outgoing on the other side of the planet. If the planet has a neighboring body of matter this diminished outgoing flux means a dark matter shadowing on the line between these bodies. The overall kinetic effect of this shadowing is to push the two neighboring bodies towards each other, which was interpreted along history as an attraction property intrinsic to matter. • This kinetic mechanism leads to the mathematical Gravity Law. • Defining the method for the big-picture knowledge in Physics and in Society as a complement to the science method for detailed knowledge. The method of broad thinking on each case of major opposing views until we see the big-picture knowledge for such a case: the missing facts, the real problems and solutions. Here we show that only with this method of broad thinking one can find the functional and wise broad views that are necessary to replace the simplistic, insufficient and opposing broad views on gravity, on light, and on society. Therefore, this method must be educated and practiced in society and science.