The super molecular structure in eggs biomatrices from freerange and battery hens as investigation platform for long time space flights
Kristina Zubow, Anatolij Zubow, Viktor Anatolievich Zubow
85 wt.%of the structuredwater and 100 wt.%of solvated ion pairsÂ’ clusters in egg yolk fromfree-range hens (FH) are at temperatures lower than 298 K in special depositories where theese depositories shall be destroyed at temperatures >300 Ê. The smallwater clusters (H2O)11±1 interact differently with the protein bases depending on the temperature of the eggs. The influence of captive breeding (CB) on the eggs biomatrix was shown and comparedwith that one of FH.CBeggs donÂ’t have any maximum of collapsed clusters at 300K(egg-white) and 305K(egg yolk).Additionally, the statistical cluster ensembles in CB eggs are stable up to 357 K whereas in FH eggs they depend on temperature. Comparing CB with FH it was found that for the first one the number of the main protein coils after the quarantine was highly reduced. The state of ovalbumin monomers, dimers and octamers and the state of their surroundings in biomatriceswas discussed. Information about the water content in ovalbumin monomers and octamers and about the interaction of these protein associates with the surroundings is given too. The difference between the free-range and battery eggs biomatrices could be helpful to later investigations concerning long time space flights.