Treatment and Management of Body Defense by Ozone Therapy
Amin Mir M, Sawhney SS and Anshuman Bajpai
In the Medical field ozone therapy are used to purify and oxygenate blood through transdermal ozone therapy to compliment normal procedures, to improve the immune system, in cancer treatment, diabetes and for treating wounds, ulcers and skin ailments. Ozone therapy is also effective for maintaining normal health and wellness. In this study one of the most important factor namely antioxidant power was determined before and after ozone therapy, the results as determined showed first increase in the antioxidant value, but with continues uptake of ozone the antioxidant value decreased. Continuous use of antioxidant is in turn health hazardous, because much intake of antioxidant within the body leads to the decline in the immune response of the immune system, same in the case of ozone therapy. So the therapy is beneficial only upto certain limit.