Weighted-based table tennis robot return speed calculation applied research
Yunfeng Fang
Table tennis is always Chinese sports meetingsÂ’ strong event, all previous Olympic Games table tennis gold, silver and bronzemedals are nearly taken byChinese athletes. Chinese scholarsÂ’ researches on table tennis theoretical basis also lead the world, which provides good theoretical basis for developing table tennis robots. By simplifying physical model, the paper proposes methods relative to robot return speed calculation; meanwhile it makes prediction on table tennis trajectory. By ignoring table tennis movement suffered Magnus force, it uses iterative fitting to predict table tennis movement trajectory, and uses simplified physical model to solve return speed. Meanwhile according to experience data calculation by computer, it gets table tennis movement trajectory and return speed based on experiences data. Based on weighted theoretical model and experience model, it gets newweight values to adjust calculation return speed method. It provides simple ways for table tennis robot hitting returning speed calculation geometric theoretical advantages and practical experience advantages.